1.1. These rules govern the procedure and conditions of sales on the website Cargo.LT.
1.2. Following terms and definitions are used in these rules:
Administrator - the organizer of the auction.
Organizer - JSC «Eurospektras», company code 126206243, VAT payer code LT262062413, st. Laisves prospect 88, LT-06125, Vilnius.
Member - Physical or legal person registered on the site www.cargo.lt and concludes an agreement with the Administrator of Cargo.LT website.
The seller - a user Cargo.LT, offering their products and / or services for sale on the Cargo.LT website section Cargo.Auction.
The buyer - a Cargo.LT user that has bet in the auction or made a purchase on sale at a fixed price.
Auction - a method of selling goods (services), under which the right to purchase goods (services) goes to the Buyer, who offered maximum price at the end of the Auction.
For sale at a fixed price - sale of goods and services at a fixed price set by the Seller, without an auction.
The winner of the Auction - the bidder offering the highest price for the goods (service) by the time the Auction has ended.
2. Member registration.
2.1. During registration on the Cargo.LT website, party must provide complete and accurate information about themselves. If at the time of registration or later on submitted information was false, inaccurate, misleading or incomplete, the Administrator has the right to immediately block access to Cargo.Auction Participant and/or the site Cargo.LT.
2.2. User of the auction may have only one registration.
2.3. Users registered on the Cargo.LT website, agree with rules Cargo.Auction and undertake to comply with these rules.
2.4. Organizer of the auction is obliged to ensure the safety of participants in accordance with existing laws.
3. The rules of exhibition goods and services Cargo.Auction.
3.1. The Seller who intends to sell at auction the goods belonging to him, confirmed the authenticity of the goods and the right of ownership of the goods and assumes full responsibility to the Buyer, if the declared data does not correspond to reality.
3.2. It is prohibited to offer for sale goods, that are prohibited by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.
3.3. Seller providing services ensures the availability of all necessary permits for the provision of the offered services.
3.4. The Seller must provide all the necessary information about the product (service), a description of the properties and characteristics, the condition of the item, picture, payment terms and delivery.
3.5. Provision of goods and services for sale is free.
3.6. It is forbidden to provide your or someone else's address, other information (phone number, email address, other information that may help identify the Seller) in the description of goods (services), photos and comments.
3.7. It is forbidden to place information not related to the proposed goods (services) in the product description.
4. The order of the auction.
4.1. Auction Duration is determined by the Seller.
4.2. “For Sale “Auction Seller indicates the starting price at which bidding starts. The Seller also has the right to set the minimum selling price and the price of "Buy it now." The price of "Buy it now" valid until buyers overcome the minimum selling price.
4.3. Seller has the right to correct data and description of “For Sale” goods (services).
4.4. Seller has the right to terminate the Auction only if there were no bids made. Selling at a fixed price can be removed or suspended at any time.
4.5. Participants Cargo.Auction become Buyers at the suggestion of their price for the goods (service) and/or in the case of acquisition of goods (services) at a fixed price. The prices listed in the ads do not include VAT and shipping costs. Shipping cost is calculated during ordering process when selecting buyers preferred embodiment of the options offered by the Seller.
4.6. Winner of the auction is declared a Buyer who offered maximum price for the goods (service) at the time of expiry of the Auction.
4.7. Seller guarantees to sell goods (services) for the price, which will be offered by the auction winner. In case of failure of the Seller to sell the goods (services) or absence of the Seller offered for sale goods (services) Seller agrees to pay a penalty of 10% of the price of goods (services), but not less than 30 EUR + PVM auction organizer.
4.8. After the Auction Organizer sends an informational message to winner’s email and Cargo.Pager. The winner is required to pay and confirm the payment for goods (services) within 3 (three) working days.
4.9. In case of failure by the Buyer to pay or in case of late payment, the Buyer is obliged to pay a penalty of 10% of the price of goods (services), but not less than EUR 30 plus PVM to Auction Organizer.
4.10. In case of breach of paragraphs by Seller or buyer p. 4.7 and 4.9 The administrator has the right to suspend the provision of services to all types of Cargo.LT website user without prior notice.
4.11. For disrespect, insults and malicious behavior with other participants of the auction, the User's access to the site Cargo.LT can be suspended.
5. Final Provisions.
5.1. The time displayed on the auction page, - is the time on server Cargo.LT and it may not coincide with the time on the computer user.
5.2. The organizer of the Auction shall not be liable for any loss incurred by the participants as a result of the acquisition of goods (services) from the Seller Cargo.Auction.
5.3. Auction Organizer has the right to change or delete information Members (description of the goods (services), adds, Buyers request and any other information), which violates the rights of the site and Cargo.Auctiona.
5.4. In case of violation of the rules User can be denied access to the Cargo.Auction.
5.5. Auction Organizer has the right to change the auction rules at any time by publishing them on the site, without notifying the user of changes.
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